News Brief: NCCER to Streamline Processes for Accredited Organizations
To provide users with an enhanced experience, NCCER is streamlining and simplifying many of its processes and systems for accredited organizations beginning in July.
The changes include a new method for creating an NCCER Account and Card Number, a new personalized account dashboard, the restructuring of program roles, simplified terminology, a fully digital performance application, and other quality-of-life improvements to support program management.
NCCER will be providing several resources to assist our network and allow for a smooth transition to these new processes. Throughout June, NCCER will be hosting a two-part “What’s New Overview” webinar series to walk through the updates and new features. All program personnel are encouraged to attend both Part 1 and Part 2 of the webinar.
Program personnel should also be alert to emails and other communications from NCCER channels with information and insight about the enhancements leading up to July.
To register for the June webinars, click here.
Watch a brief message from Jennifer Wilkerson, NCCER Vice President — Innovation and Advancement.