Benefits of NCCER Accreditation

Benefits of Accreditation
NCCER accreditation provides organizations a full workforce development solution – to deliver standardized training and assessment programs for industry-recognized, portable credentials. Accredited organizations must meet and maintain established standards and criteria to ensure integrity in program administration.
Ways to Set Up Training Programs
The modular format of NCCER’s curricula allows organizations to flexibly deliver training. Curricula is available as printed textbooks, eBooks and online curriculum through NCCERconnect and NCCER’s Learning Platform. Additionally, organizations have the opportunity to build custom books and programs to meet their specific needs.
- NCCER training can be delivered in-person by a certified instructor in a classroom setting.
- Print and online NCCER training materials are available to support hybrid training, including classroom and self-study.
- NCCERconnect and eBooks allow organizations to set up online training programs with opportunities to leverage on-the-job performance testing.
NCCER provides standardized, online training to prepare and certify individuals to conduct program management and administration.
Program Management
- NCCER offers training for two levels of program management. This training ensures designated individuals understand NCCER accreditation standards, policies and procedures, personnel roles and requirements and more.
- NCCER’s Instructor Certification Training Program provides two options – one for craft professionals becoming instructors and one for educators becoming instructors. Trainings include: navigating learning resources, best practices, proctor and evaluator certification training and more.
- NCCER has Proctor Certification Training for both training and journey-level assessment programs. Training includes: testing policies and procedures, best practices and necessary resources for NCCER test administration. Additionally, organizations have access to NCCER’s Automated Remote Proctoring when administering training module tests.
Practical Examiner
- NCCER’s Mobile Crane Operator, Rigger and Signal Person Certification Programs require special training for delivery of the hands-on performance testing (practical exams) in these programs. Practical Examiner Training includes: policies and procedures for administration of the program, site and equipment requirements and testing site setup specifications.
Performance Evaluator
- NCCER offers two Performance Evaluator Training programs. Curriculum performance evaluator for the delivery of training performance testing and Assessment performance evaluator for the delivery of journey-level performance verifications. Trainings include: policies and procedures, evaluation techniques and resources.
Ways to Set Up Assessment Programs
NCCER’s assessment and certification program allows organizations to provide journey-level testing (knowledge and performance) to their employees, membership and to the public.
Test administration must be conducted in-person and following strict testing guidelines to maintain the security and integrity of NCCER’s assessments.
- NCCER’s journey-level performance tests are structured to allow for administration on-the-job, while the candidate is performing their daily tasks.
Lab/Shop environment
- NCCER’s journey-level tests provide detailed equipment and materials lists and specifications where appropriate to allow for setup and administration in a lab/shop environment.
Ready to Apply for Accreditation?
Contact NCCER at (888) 622-3720 or complete the form below to get started.