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3 Content Tips for a Construction Business to Improve Employer Branding

07/23/2020 Blog

As a construction company, how do you make sure that you attract top talent?

And, considering that the demographic of the labor market is quickly changing, and millennials and Gen Z will soon replace previous generations, you need an employer branding strategy that caters to their interests.

With these younger generations, it’s not enough just to invest in online ads promoting your vacancies.

According to the stats by Everyone Social, 68% of millennials visit an employer’s social media  to evaluate the employer’s brand.

Moreover, they consider social media and other content distribution platforms as the ‘window into the company culture,’ much like a sneak peek of what working at the company is like.

That’s why content can be your trump card when it comes to creating an effective employer branding strategy.

To make sure that you create content that lives up to the expectations of potential job candidates, here are some tips you can follow.

1. Invest in Video Content

You are probably familiar with the fact that video content has a significant impact on marketing. However, video content can also be a part of your employer branding strategy to attract top candidates.

Reportedly, employers who invest in video content, attain a 34% higher candidate application rate if they add videos to their job postings. Videos present a message in a more engaging way than text, helping the candidates retain information about your company better.

How do you tailor video content to facilitate employer branding?

You probably already have a video marketing strategy that promotes your biggest construction projects. But you can diversify your strategy by adding some videos about your company culture and its recruitment process.

Ask questions such as– What time tracking and employee management tools are you using? What career opportunities are you providing?

All this information help candidates get a better understanding of your business, thus allowing you to attract applicants who are genuinely interested in joining the company.

This is what Bechtel Corporation, a construction company from the U.S., is doing on their YouTube channel. There, you can find videos about ethics training that the company does for the employees as well as about the values that the company stands for.

If you decide to produce videos that promote you as an employer, you should invest time in writing a script.

A detailed video script can help you make sure that your videos include all the details for potential job candidates, while representing your message and values in the best possible way.

To save time, you can write, edit and proofread a video script using online tools like Grabmyessay or StudioBinder, which can also help you organize your writing.

Investing in video content that promotes you as an employer helps improve your online presence and it creates a great source of information for top-talent candidates to learn more about your construction business.

2. Build Authority with a Niche Blog

Another way to attract top-talent candidates with the help of content is to invest in high-quality blog posts.

However, if you really want to get the attention of professionals in your field, you should concentrate on having a niche blog, where you can touch upon very specific topics and talk about niche industry news.

For instance, Bouygues Construction, a French construction company focused on sustainable construction, has dedicated its blog to articles about smart cities and eco-friendly buildings.

To create a niche blog, you can have your marketing team develop a list of topics and offer writing opportunities to other team professionals. Or, you can completely outsource this task to academic writing companies that will find professionals with experience in writing content for the construction industry.

Top-talent candidates are interested in companies that express their own opinion about the industry news and take time to educate others. Thus, creating content for a niche blog can become a strong strategy to improve your employer branding and help you attract job candidates.

3. Connect Your Content to a Social Cause

To diversify the content you use for your employer branding, you can dedicate a series of social media posts to a social cause that your construction business supports.

For instance, VINCI Construction, a multi-national company with more than 72,000 employees, dedicated Instagram posts to supporting local healthcare and education efforts in several African countries:

Image credit: Instagram

You can start with local volunteering groups and other organizations to help find a social cause that your construction business will support. By creating social media posts around a social issue, you can drive more engagement and awareness since you have a big platform of followers.

In terms of employer branding, your interest in social issues says a lot about your company’s culture, and top-talent candidates take it into consideration when choosing their next employer. Thus, it can be a great addition to your content marketing, which also works in favor of improving your employer branding strategy.

Invest in High-Quality Content

Content can be a valuable asset when it comes to employer branding. It can help you drive engagement and attract the attention of potential employees.

Use these tips and examples  to diversify your content strategy, improve your online presence as an employer, and help you get top-talent candidates.


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